A Brief Introduction

My mother's parents immigrated from then-Russia to the United States before World War I. My father's grandparents immigrated, also from the Russian Pale, in the late 1800s.

These links details the genealogy of four families:

Siperstein (Tsipershtein/Cziperstein) of Pinsk, Minsk Gubernia, Belarus
Draikin of Kherson, Odessa province, Ukraine
Hurwich (Hurwitz) of Kaunas, Lithuania
Brazy of Tukums, Latvia

NOTE: National boundaries changed quite a bit in the past 150 years. I list the current names of my family's origins. Also note that the parentheses indicate transliterated spellings of family surnames.

I married into the Cartan family. The Cartan genealogy is on my husband's website.

Genealogy, by its nature, is a work-in-progress. I will update this site as more information becomes available.

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Jewish Genealogy

updated 31-December-2000

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