

Hello Card  -  Volume 15  -  John Card Number 0  -  Wed, Aug 1, 1990 01:14 AM

Somehow, as unlikely as it seems (and believe me, I am AT LEAST as surprised as any of you), I find myself almost *busy* this summer.
  • The big wedding was a smashing success and I had a lovely time with Zoey the Atomic Physicist. (See Vol 15 John 6)
  • Mom's new house is going up (or rather down, it being almost an underground house) with breathtaking speed. There are now pipes and ducts and wires and stairs and a bathtub and actual windows and doors and a cathedral ceiling and most of a fireplace and a trap door leading to secret places and men in space suits spraying cotton candy insulation and giant cranes lowering huge tanks into a pit that wasn't even there yesterday. Incredible!
  • Work is progressing nicely on the big personality test project. I am really enjoying working with these two crazy Mac guys, Bill and Jerry. Programming in Helena, Montana is kind of like working Off Off Broadway. When we're a little farther along I may want to use you guys as beta testers!
  • There have been some curious developments in the local dating scene. One involves a real-life fairy tale (a Cinderella who has suddenly acquired the closest thing to a fairy godmother I've ever seen, along with a subaru, a gold lamé evening gown, and a corporation. I'll tell you about it later, but I doubt if you'll believe me). I was allowed to see Sasha after more than a year (THAT was quite a reunion) and I had several non-violent encounters with the evil Joe. And tomorrow night I'm scheduled to have dinner with a woman I haven't seen for fifteen years. None of this translates into any actual romance for your fearless editor, but it has been an interesting month. I'll keep you posted.
  • Last but not least, I was FINALLY accepted to the Squaw Valley Writer's Conference and will be California bound in a matter of hours. After the conference I intend to impose on Suzanne for a few days and, if I can catch them at home, visit all the other Bay Area Archipelagoans.
So LOOK OUT! Open up that Golden Gate! California, here I come!
