It seems to me that Archipelago land is quickly being peopled by "professional" writers (Tom?). I am now feeling stronger fears about my ability to contribute. While I thoroughly enjoy your (plural 'your') fascinating and stimulating discussions of sex differences and the definitions of artists, I know I am fairly incapable of contributing a written thought to these discourses.
First, I have few thoughts to contribute on many of the subjects and second, the few thoughts I have I am unable to frame in written text. Now you know why I seldom responded to your novel-like letters and why I have seldom missed dropping Bill a postcard every year. Bill, as you know, NEVER writes and I have no difficulty in penning "Hope all is well with you. I am fine." to him.
Back to my concerns. As you have had to instruct such people as myself (the ones who would rather lecture, naked, to a crowd of thousands instead of write a page long letter to a good friend), if you tell me that with practice, I too, will be able to write and express my (limited) thoughts with relative ease, I will continue in this endeavor. But if people such as myself are hopeless "read only" cases, maybe you should send Bill a postcard and ask him to replace me.