
The Mists of Avalon

Book Card  -  Volume 19  -  Book Review Number 1  -  Mon, Mar 11, 1991 12:07 PM

TITLE: The Mists of Avalon
AUTHOR: Marion Zimmer Bradley
PUBLISHER: Ballantine Books

This is the most fascinating book I have read in a while. It is the Arthurian Legend from the view point of Morgan le Fay. The book is very complex, the personalities are real, and the view of the world from the Celtic traditions to the first stirrings of Christianity is captivating. I felt as though I was reading an actual history of King Arthur (like a Mitchener novel). It was a full and wonderful description of the people and their beliefs, not just a ballad. The story was complete and gave you the "traditions" behind why certain Arthurian characters could do and did what they did. It is fiction, but Ms. Bradley made me believe in the magic of Avalon.
