This is a response to VC 19 Stuart 8 ("More Woodcutter Tree")...
In the last poem from THE BODY BESTIARY, Uncle Caterpillar explained in his silken tapestry weavings of how Moonlight, pursued by the evil Duchess of Moisture and her toad soldiers because he had spurned her love for him, had left his real love, his true love, Princess Waterfall, in the safekeeping of the Woodcutter Tree. Now the Princess is all alone, separated by her love, who has been very possibly slain.
What follows is her plaint. You'll notice that the poem is in two columns. This poem can be read in two ways: either down each of the columns or across, as one would normally read.
The poem is called What I Hear in the Creek Stones: The Princess Waterfall's Song (once again, you'll want to expand the text field to get the proper lineation, especially with this poem):