
Bowling lessons

Voice Card  -  Volume 30  -  Holly Card Number 13  -  Sun, Nov 28, 1993 17:58

Closing up your life is always interesting. I bowled my last league game last Tuesday. I have some musings to share with you.

I bowl well if I can achieve "it". "It" is a state of mind that is neither negative nor positive. If I think negatively I do lousy, if I actively think positively I do lousy. I have to achieve a sort of hypnotic state. The trick is getting there after a bad ball.

I have decided that is true with everything. That state of doing is "it", doubting and thinking too much throws me off and if I do get off the secret to the whole thing is getting back to "it". Once you have an effective technique getting back to "it" is the hardest thing to learn.

My other thought is... Two years ago at our little awards luncheon the woman in charge gave me a plant which she had started from her own plant and she also gave me instructions on care of the plant. I am usually not good with plants but I followed her instructions and my plant grew and I was quite proud of it and in fact had started cuttings and potted them.

In preparing for the move I decided not to move plants so I took my plants to bowling last week and gave them to anyone who wanted them. I saw that this woman had taken a cutting from one of the plants and I said, "You gave that to me you know." She said, "This summer during the floods, our basement was flooded and the house was very humid. These plants hate humidity and mine died. I have been looking for one everywhere and haven't been able to find one. I am very happy to have this."

I think that is a nice way to leave here. Feeling that circles have been completed and that I have given and received. I felt that God smiled on that small journey of the plant.
