
The Compact OED - Vol. III

Book Card  -  Volume 10  -  Book Review Number 3  -  Tue, Oct 31, 1989 9:25 PM

TITLE: The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary - Vol. III - A Supplement
AUTHOR: R.W. Burchfield, editor
PUBLISHER: Oxford At The Clarendon Press

What can you say when the world's greatest dictionary gets 1412 pages better? What can you say about a book that starts with "aa" (a form of Hawaiian lava) and winds up with "Zyrian"? What can you say about a book that quotes extensively from Ian Fleming, from a text on "introductory Nuclear Physics", from "Blues: An Anthology"?

The wonder of it all is that many people seemingly get through life WITHOUT this book and its companions. Or so I've heard. Don't let the paltry $95 price tag fool you. Word for word, this may be the least expensive book in the store; certainly it's about the best.
