

Hello Card  -  Volume 31  -  Paul Card Number 0  -  Sun, Mar 6, 1994 6:32 PM

This is the winter of our... content.

To my surprise, I find on reflection that I've been in a pretty good mood lately. The "why" of this is probably complex, but it must have something to do with the fact that I've been home for four straight weeks - heaven! Also, John and I have been having a pretty good run at the design of our never-to-be-completed game. I've been skiing three times already this year - a personal best for recent seasons.

At work I'm mostly through with my frequent trips to Las Vegas, and looking forward to possible replacement of that destination with Helena. This could be a vast improvement if the timing is right: summer in Montana can be a delightful thing.

These issues aside, life at Digital continues to be... eventful. The umpteenth reorganization in recent years will happen around April 1, appropriately, and maybe this one will be an improvement. I don't have any Cartan-style evil empire stories to tell, but I can assure you that working in the computer industry can be quite stressful.

Here's hoping that the next year will be one of the best of my life.
