
Virus Alert!

Voice Card  -  Volume 4  -  John Card Number 24  -  Tue, Jan 31, 1989 3:11 AM

I had a brief moment of panic last week when I ran Interferon 3.0 and it told me that I had a "type 004 Sneak Virus" in my Laser Prep file. I called Interferon's author, Robert Woodhead, and he told me that the problem was NOT a virus, but a bug in his program which has since been corrected.

Do any of you have a more recent version of Interferon? Those of you with the latest Laser prep files can check to see if your copy of Interferon falsely identifies the virus. I am told that the latest version is available from Compuserve, etc. and is "floating around." If any of you come across the new version, send it to me and I'll pass it along to everyone else. If none of us can find one, I will eventually send a blank disk to Mr. Woodhead.
