
A Font of Our Own

Voice Card  -  Volume 3  -  John Card Number 15  -  Thu, Dec 22, 1988 1:34 AM

Currently, all voice cards appear in twelve point Geneva, a dull but readable font. It is, however, quite possible to design a special voice card font which might allow is to provide some of the following features:
  • We could add useful characters like the cloverleaf command symbol.
  • We could provide italics or bold face or underline (but only one and only by replacing existing symbols).
  • We could allow for in-text links such as those found in my HyperEssay stacks.
  • We could create special symbols for card references or maybe even tiny member icon signatures.
  • We could provide symbols to express emotions or gestures as per Volume 2 Paul Card 3.
  • We could devise alternate punctuation symbols that would "stick" to the words they surround (instead of hanging alone at the end of lines).
But there is a catch. If we use a special font this may complicate efforts to provide a printing feature (see previous card). We may have to choose between the two.

This is another call for group input. Tell me how important this font idea is and what you'd like to see in a voice card font.
