This is a response to volume 3, Cliff Card Number 2 ("Grading Possibilities")...
Thanks for shipping Bangs Tapscott's grading stack. It is quite impressive; although I find his tendency to cram as many buttons as possible onto each screen to be a bit off-putting.
And it's so huge! The entire package is well over a magabyte all together.
This presents me with something of a problem; I already had more than enough to fill three disks before Bangs' stacks arrived. I have therefore decided to hold this package in the main archives. I should be able to distribute the vital parts of it next time around.
Incidentally, I vaguely remember hearing Bangs wail away on some kind of jazzy instrument at a party long ago, and I was impressed. Please convey my regards.
I am excited to hear about your cognitive science class. Yes! Yes! Send whatever tidbits you can! And thanks again for your excellent contributions even in the midst of your many distractions. I hope that your technical difficulties are over!